Low Interest Rates Don't Drive Market Concentration
A critical assessment of Atif Mian, Amir Sufi and Ernest Liu’s paper
A critical assessment of Atif Mian, Amir Sufi and Ernest Liu’s paper
How life on the edge of a cliff became the new normal for U.S. Fiscal Policy
Hello Readers, I’m excited to bring you my opinion piece in the Guardian on the urgency of reauthorizing the expired unemployment benefits. As you know, my ability to write for these broader
A constant discussion in central banking circles revolves around the Federal Reserve’s “large balance sheet”. I discussed the issues that emerged last September — usually referred to as “repo madness” — all the way
A Guide to the Kalecki-Levy Profits Equation
Toward an Alternative Fiscal Federalism [Guest Post by Philip Rocco]
A Rare Interlude from Notes on the Crises
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On Thursday [https://www.crisesnotes.com/congress-is-a-month-away-from-cutting/] I wrote about how congress needs to extend Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) or millions of households in the United States would be facing desperate crises.
> THREAD: I've decided to hold off my post on evictions to tomorrow morning so in the mean time I'm going to link to some posts that I think
This Can’t Be Allowed To Happen
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